Saturday, July 11, 2020

Online ذات Books Download Free

Online ذات  Books Download Free
ذات Paperback | Pages: 352 pages
Rating: 3.55 | 4929 Users | 677 Reviews

Mention Regarding Books ذات

Author:صنع الله إبراهيم
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 352 pages
Published:1998 by دار المستقبل العربي (first published 1992)
Categories:Novels. Fiction

Rendition In Favor Of Books ذات

"ذات" شخصية الروائي صنع الله إبراهيم المحورية والتي انبعثت من زحمة الحياة لتبعث خياله وتغذي فكره بألف صورة وصورة... هي من الواقع... ولكنها تسري في الأحداث الروائية... فيكون لواقع تواجدها ألف معنى ومعنى... "ذات" هي الرمز الذي حاول صنع الله إبراهيم من خلاله أن يصور المجتمع المصري الذي يموج بقيم ومعتقدات تتحكم بفكره وبحياته... مجتمع ينوء مواطنه بأحمال الظروف الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية، وهذه يورد وقائعها منقولة عن الصحف المصرية الحكومية منها والمعارضة ليعكس الجو الإعلامي العام الذي أحاط بمصائر شخصياته وأثر فيهم... في "ذات" يتداخل الخيال والواقع... الرمز والحقيقة ليجسد أبعاداً إنسانية عبّر عنها صنع الله إبراهيم بأسلوب يُقَرِّب "ذات" من كل ذات... فهي الحقيقة المتوارية خلف الذات

لتحميل الكتاب من هذا الرابط :

Point Books In Pursuance Of ذات

Original Title: ذات
Edition Language: Arabic
Characters: ذات, عبد المجيد
Setting: Egypt

Rating Regarding Books ذات
Ratings: 3.55 From 4929 Users | 677 Reviews

Weigh Up Regarding Books ذات
This is an amazing novel about Egypt in the post-Nasser era. The juxtaposition of narrative with news accounts of economic and political crimes show all too clearly the devastating impact of "free market reform." Dark, satirical and powerful--it taught me more about contemporary Egypt than any other book I've read on the subject.

This novel is so overrated! plain boring and depressing and I kept skipping pages until I stopped reading. Hard for me to admit it but yes the TV series is so much better than this. I don't understand the fuss about the novel.

its more of a naration to egyptian history in that period frm personal point of view

Reading this book is as close as you'll ever get to being an Egyptian before the January revolution. It sprawls in every direction, laughing, crying, loving, and screaming in frustration. Despite everything, Zaat endures. She endures in my head too. I found myself thinking about her the other day, wondering what she's making of Mubarak's trial. I wonder if Ibrahim will write a sequel?

This is one of the rare moments in which the TV series is better than the book. True, the author was able to get deep and truthful insights of the female world but then it had a bit of the male touch. I guess the end was the weakest part of them all; there was no clear end أصلا. There were many connotations which I could not understand.

I actually had the opportunity to meet the author while I was studying abroad in Cairo. He's quite a brilliant writer and very well respected in Egypt--especially as he operates outside of the "literary establishment."Zaat tells the story of an average woman's life in Cairo. Many Arab authors, such as Naguib Mahfouz, tend to focus more on the middle-class, yet this novel centers around a female from the lower class. The book is extremely witty and satirical, as it offers some scathing

This book, another Egyptian novel in translation, juxtaposes Egyptian newspaper articles against the story of a woman's life. The author has been given, and declined, all sorts of literary and national awards. He's great.

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