Friday, August 14, 2020

Reading Books Her Royal Highness (Royals #2) For Free

List Books In Pursuance Of Her Royal Highness (Royals #2)

ISBN: 9000368405 (ISBN13: 9789000368402)
Edition Language: Dutch
Series: Royals #2
Reading Books Her Royal Highness (Royals #2) For Free
Her Royal Highness (Royals #2) Paperback | Pages: 272 pages
Rating: 3.81 | 8414 Users | 1866 Reviews

Identify Of Books Her Royal Highness (Royals #2)

Title:Her Royal Highness (Royals #2)
Author:Rachel Hawkins
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 272 pages
Published:June 28th 2019 by Best of YA (first published May 7th 2019)
Categories:Romance. Contemporary. Young Adult. LGBT. GLBT. Queer. Fiction. Audiobook

Explanation To Books Her Royal Highness (Royals #2)

Millie Quint is er kapot van als haar vriendin met een ander zoent. Omdat ze de gedachte om elke dag met haar ex geconfronteerd te worden niet kan verdragen, besluit Millie om beurzen aan te vragen voor prestigieuze scholen. Hoe verder van Houston, hoe beter.
Millie kan haar geluk niet op als ze wordt toegelaten tot een van de meest exclusieve scholen ter wereld in de Schotse Hooglanden. Alles aan Schotland is anders: het landschap is mistig en groen, de school is prachtig en de studenten vinden haar Amerikaanse accent superschattig. Er is alleen één probleem: Millies kamergenoot Flora gedraagt zich als een echte prinses. Ze ís ook een echte prinses. Van Schotland.
De twee kunnen elkaar niet uitstaan, maar voordat Millie het doorheeft, heeft ze wéér een vriendin. Prinses Flora zou een nieuw hoofdstuk in haar liefdesleven kunnen zijn, maar Millie weet dat de kans op een happily ever after klein is. Het echte leven is tenslotte geen sprookje… Of toch wel?

Her Royal Highness is het vervolg op Royals, maar met nieuwe personages!

Rating Of Books Her Royal Highness (Royals #2)
Ratings: 3.81 From 8414 Users | 1866 Reviews

Piece Of Books Her Royal Highness (Royals #2)
🌈 Full review now posted! 4.5 royally sapphic stars I devoured this book on audio in basically a day and oh my god, friends. There is a very specific emotion that us sapphic girls feel when presented with good sapphic content in fiction, and depending on our tastes in terms of tropes and genres, different sapphic books will hit us differently. The feeling I got from this book was one of pure joy from getting a royal romance, usually reserved for a girl falling in love with a prince, starring two

⭐⭐⭐ cheesy starsI liked the lesbian rep and love story but it wasnt remarkable in any way. I felt like the characters were decently crafted but not explored as deeply as they could have been. The cuteness was there but I didn't really feel a romantic connection between the characters, therefore, I didn't really ship it. The rest of the characters blur in my mind, which shows how poorly developed and used they were.The romantic plot was pretty straightforward and classic, so no surprises there. I

Another royal romance!This is the companion novel to Royals (or Prince Charming) but it can safely be read as a standalone. Daisy, her sister and boyfriend make only a short appearance and you will not feel lost at any point. But you can certainly get lost in the interesting and unusual romance between Peasant Millie and Princess Flora, Ill allow it. This story combines some of my top favourite things in books: boarding schools, princesses and enemies-to-lovers relationships. Millie and Flora do

Its all fun and gaymes until you realize you could have have rewritten approximately a third of the book, and it would have ended up 5x better, despite not even being a half-decent writer.The issue with this book is that the pacing is completely off. I honestly would have rated it higher if the pacing hadnt been so weird and janky, because its a fluffy book that you could simply have a lot of fun reading. But my slight enjoyment of the book couldnt compete with the fact that theres pretty much

1.) Prince Charming ★★★★★2.) Her Royal Highness ★★★★.5-----------------------------------------------THIS WAS SO CUTE. I just wish there was a little bit more at the end!!! I wanted an epilogue SO BAD!

Im was fully prepared for this to sweep me off my feet on a cloud of adorableness.// buddy read with my faves 💖Blog | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Bloglovin

I had liked the first book in this series and was absolutely here for gay princesses. Sadly, this one fell short for me. Millie was just okay to me. I did love her smarts and dedication and love for her family. Flora was actually more of a marshmallow than I was expecting and was quite sweet. I just couldnt ever get invested in either of them or their relationship. Plot wise, it was boring. I do love a good boarding school setting, but this didnt do it for me. The entire story read like this

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