Thursday, July 16, 2020

Download Books Online El informe de Brodeck

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Original Title: Le Rapport de Brodeck
ISBN: 849838186X (ISBN13: 9788498381863)
Edition Language: Spanish
Literary Awards: Prix Goncourt des Lycéens (2007), Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (2010), Prix des libraires du Québec for Lauréats hors Québec (2008), French-American Foundation Translation Prize for Fiction (2009)
Download Books Online El informe de Brodeck
El informe de Brodeck Paperback | Pages: 288 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 3606 Users | 464 Reviews

Details About Books El informe de Brodeck

Title:El informe de Brodeck
Author:Philippe Claudel
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 288 pages
Published:October 2008 by Salamandra (first published August 22nd 2007)
Categories:Fiction. Historical. Historical Fiction. Cultural. France. Contemporary. War. Literature. European Literature. French Literature

Relation Supposing Books El informe de Brodeck

Galardonada con el prestigioso premio Goncourt des Lyceens 2007 e instalada en las listas de libros mas vendidos desde su publicacion esta ultima novela de Philippe Claudel continua la senda iniciada en Almas grises: la investigacion de los claroscuros del alma humana. Apenas ha transcurrido un ano desde el final de la guerra cuando una muerte rompe la tranquilidad de un pequeno pueblo perdido en las montanas. El unico extranjero del lugar a quien llaman Der Anderer el Otro en aleman ha sido asesinado y todos los hombres de la localidad se confiesan autores del crimen. Todos menos Brodeck quien recibe el encargo de redactar un informe sobre lo sucedido para que quienes lo lean puedan comprender y perdonar . Asi pues Brodeck entrevista a los hombres mas importantes del pueblo: el cura el dueno de la fonda el alcalde... Y cuando este ultimo le advierte de que no busque lo que no existe. O lo que existio pero ya no existe Brodeck comprende que no le conviene saber demasiado. Sin embargo la redaccion del informe lo obliga a interrogar y a interrogarse lo que a la postre puede suponer una amenaza para el y su familia. Considerado actualmente uno de los mejores novelistas franceses de su generacion Philippe Claudel renueva su exploracion de los recodos mas sombrios del ser humano y sus complejos mecanismos. Los escasos detalles sobre el lugar y el tiempo de la accion el pausado relato del narrador y su peculiar voz al limite de la ingenuidad otorgan a la novela la dimension de una parabola de enorme eficacia e intensidad a la vez sombria y llena de esperanza.

Rating About Books El informe de Brodeck
Ratings: 4.11 From 3606 Users | 464 Reviews

Evaluation About Books El informe de Brodeck
I work at an institution that collects books and archival material related to the Holocaust and genocide, so I often find myself avoiding anything to do with those topics in my personal, non-work hours. It is enough to be surrounded by them during the day. However, this book came highly recommended and so I gave it a chance. I am so glad I did. Claudel deals with a very tricky moral topic--and depicts some truly horrific scenes of human suffering--but he does so with such poetry, such grace and

There are many reasons we read: for enlightenment, escape, education, and in some rare instances, to confront ourselves with truths and insights we never would have encountered otherwise.Brodeck is one of those rare instances. It is, quite simply, one of the best contemporary books I have ever read. And I have read a lot.The book which reads like an allegory or dark adult fairy tale transcends those genres by strongly tethering itself to recognizable events and images. Brodeck, by many

My takeaway? We NEVER learn. Also, the world's a mess, because we're a mess. Granted, those are things I knew before. But hey, there's nothing like a good book to drive it home. Brodeck (aka Le rapport de Brodeck) was a slow-ish read for me, but that isn't a reflection on its quality. It's a strong novel, but it certainly isn't a happy one. Sometimes those are hard to read, because they're so emotionally draining.

The power of this book--and it is very powerful--lies in the use of unexpected words to describe a time, and events, that are terribly familiar to us. World War II, Germany, Eastern Europe, the Holocaust--they are recent history, and every schoolchild knows what happened in that place, in that time. You will not find any of these names in this beautifully written poem of a book. The magic lies in the way Mr. Claudel finds new language to describe who and what he is talking about. Every time a

Brilliant. Amazing. Breathtaking. Very sophisticated style, so soft and light and yet so dark and gloomy. At first it seems like a stream of consciousness, but later everything makes so much sense. Absolutely catches the attention till the very end.

A small Alpine community appears to have recovered from a great war in which young men from the village died. Most did not return. But one did. Brodeck survived a prison camp by degrading himself, crawling on all fours with a dog collar on to amuse the guards. He writes reports now, chronicling the changing of the seasons and noting the passage of time.Time passes very slowly for the village, as well as for Brodeck, his wife, daughter and the woman who raised him as her own child. It's not quite

The StrangerImagine a region on the border between two powers, its nominal sovereignty shuffled between them with the ebb and flow of history. Imagine a place whose personal and place names belong to one country, but whose official language is that of the other, and whose local dialect is a hybrid known only to its inhabitants. Imagine a land of mountains and forests, where individual villages are isolated "like eggs in nests," and where even somebody arriving from three hours' walk away will

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